Modules 1-3

Clearing 1:
Static waste refers to diseased energy particles made up of dead or stagnant light. These particles accumulate as energetic waste resulting from psychological, emotional, and spiritual trauma, abuse, or fear. Negative ego patterns form these particles, which act as defense mechanisms to shield unresolved wounds in the Bio-Energy Field.
Think of this static waste as negative information that comes into our field through our thoughts, actions, and environment. When you enter a hostile static environment that you are uncomfortable in, we are picking up this field of misaligned information into our biofield, thus disrupting its flow.
Over time, static waste builds up within the Bio-Energy Field, creating blockages and areas of "dead" wiring where the natural flow of energy is disrupted. These stagnant areas hinder the circulation of vital energetic currents and prevent the exchange of information and intelligent energy. This stagnation can lead to a decline in the system’s functionality, triggering a devolutionary process that causes the DNA code and the programming scripts governing the system's processes and responses to deteriorate.
Clearing 2:
Emotional imprints are dense, heavy imprints that obstruct the unstructured layers of the human energy field. They resemble dark, heavy fog, appearing stagnant and weighted.
Like physical stagnation in the body, energetic blockages clog the system and disrupt its healthy functioning. Over time, this stagnation spreads to the first, third, and fifth levels of the energy field, which are closely connected to the emotional and astral bodies. This buildup significantly lowers one’s vibration, creating a sense of heaviness in the energy field and overall balance.
Emotional imprints form when negative thought patterns lead to low-vibrational emotions. They can also accumulate in areas of physical injury where the energy field becomes bruised or swollen. These blockages affect the circulation of bio-energetic currents much like mucus affects the respiratory system, slowing or halting the flow and causing stagnation. Over time, this stagnation can evolve into static waste, resulting in "dead light" areas and the degeneration of the DNA and energetic programming scripts.
In a balanced emotional and astral body, vibrant, bright energy flows freely through the system. However, when one harbors negative feelings toward oneself—such as self-loathing or self-rejection—dark fog forms in the second level of the Bio-Energy Field, obstructing flow and attracting lower-vibration people, events, and circumstances into one’s life. Clearing stagnant fog is essential and will be a regular part of healing sessions, as it helps remove accumulated emotional negativity.
While dark fog accumulates primarily in the second level of the Bio-Energy Field, heavy-weighted energy tends to collect in the fourth level, often referred to as the astral field. This level relates to our relationships—not just with other humans but with all life forms, including animals and plants. The texture of this layer resembles a plasma-like gel, and although it vibrates at a higher frequency than the second level, the fog that gathers here is thick and heavy. Negative thoughts and feelings about relationships lead to this accumulation, which mirrors the discomfort of physical mucus during a cold. This stagnant energy can cause significant pain and disruption within the system.
Clearing these blockages—emotional imprints—is vital for maintaining a healthy energy field. These techniques will be frequently used in sessions to help your client/patient release negativity and restore energetic flow.
Clearing 3:
Whenever you think about someone, feel emotions toward them, or communicate with them, you naturally send energy their way. This process is unavoidable in life. Since your Bio-Energy Field holds all your holographically encoded information, focusing your energy and attention on someone transmits some of this information to them, creating an energetic connection or cord between you. We must understand that cords cannot be removed to realize cords properly.
For example, If you have someone or yourself try to cut a cord from another person or thing off-planet, you are not cutting anything. You can feel great after the “thought” that the cord has been removed, but in two weeks, you have the thought of the other person coming up; if the thought is still there, the cord is still there. In this process of “dis-cording,” we are rebalancing and harmonizing the cord with love and forgiveness. This allows you and the other person to receive the harmonization, balance, and love to refine the cord so it is less rigid and static. Those who have experienced this dis-cording have had less anger, judgment toward another person, and even events that did not align with their life. What brought
Relationship Cords are made of astral and etheric energy, linking two Bio-Energy Fields like an umbilical cord. These cords act as channels, transferring energy and information between individuals. The specific chakra where the cord connects determines the relationship's type, challenge, or dynamic. For instance:
Cords connected to the second chakra often signify a relationship based on sexual desire.
Cords attached to the third chakra indicate a desire to access or share personal power.
Cords linked to the heart chakra represent intentions based on love and emotional connection.
While many relationship cords are healthy and contribute positively to the energetic exchange, others may become damaged, tangled, or unnecessary—especially when one person seeks to move on from a past relationship. In such cases, it is essential to clear these cords using the prescribed Codes and Commands outlined in the protocol.
Off-Planet Cords
These are cords created by the client/patient and are used as a coping mechanism to siphon energy or manipulate a person's Bio-Energy Field. They are created based on fear and negative thoughts. These cords may serve purposes such as:
Draining energy from the individual.
Extracting information.
Imposing mind control.
Keeping the individual stuck in a limited state of consciousness.
Off-planet cords are harmful and parasitic to the thought system and physical, requiring removal to protect the integrity of the Bio-Energy Field. Balancing and harmonizing these cords is a crucial step in restoring energetic health and balance.
Clearing 4:
An Imprinted Program refers to a fragmented aspect of the self originating from past experiences that influences behavior, reactions, and personality. It ultimately contributes to the development of archetypal patterns that define the False Self Personality.
These programs form beliefs we accept as truths, shaping our identity and adding layers to the False Self. They arise from conditioning during childhood—through interactions with parents, peers, schooling, and societal norms—and are a response to actual or perceived painful and stressful experiences that leave wounds in the Bio-Energy Field.
When such a wound forms, it creates a gap in the Bio-Energy Field, filled with painful emotions. Just as the physical body heals a cut by forming a scab and eventually scar tissue, the Bio-Energy Field creates energetic "scar tissue" to seal off the pain. This process isolates a fragment of the Soul’s energy, causing the individual to lose a part of their Soul Essence and experience a disconnection from their True Self. Over time, multiple wounds lead to further fracturing, with Imprinted Programs and their related Program Scripts functioning as defenses that guard these Core Wounds.
Imprinted Programs act as protective mechanisms for Core Wounds. When an original wound occurs, its unique vibration becomes embedded in the Imprinted Program, shaping an automatic response to future triggers that mirror the original circumstances. These triggers activate the Imprinted Program, initiating a reaction defined by the Program Script. This reaction diverts energy from the Core Wound, shielding the individual from reliving the deep pain.
When triggered, the individual reacts as if the original traumatic event were happening again. Depending on the specifics of the program script, these reactions may range from extreme emotional outbursts to subtle, manipulative behaviors. The patterns established by Imprinted Programs contribute to the formation of archetypes and personas that define the False Self Personality, effectively masking the True Self.
Imprinted Programs are highly individualized, shaped by the soul's evolution, childhood influences, and societal and relational conditioning. They manifest in a variety of ways, such as:
• Victim Consciousness
• Judgment
• Fear
• Unworthiness
• Un-deservedness
• Addictions
• Poverty consciousness
• Self Destruction
• Abandonment
• Perpetrator programming
• Obsessive Compulsive
• Tyrant programming
• Impatience
• Intolerance
• Conflict
• Self Obsession
• Indifference
• Judgement
• Co-Dependence
• Control
• Selfishness
• Arrogance
• Struggle
• Weakness
• Exhaustion
• Provocation
• Expectation
• Dominance
• Oppression
• Inadequacy
• Agitation
• Stress
• Greed
• Distraction
• Dishonesty
• Doubt
• Confusion
• Turbulence
These past experiences remain embedded in the present, reactivated by triggers that resonate with the original wounding. The False Self Personality responds defensively, protecting the individual from confronting the original pain.
Through this process, the facilitator can clear Imprinted Programs and Core Wounds. This is achieved by demagnetizing the Imprinted Program and accessing the bio-photonic data stored in the client/patient cells, free of distorted programming from experiential life events. Using the clearing and code, facilitators can overwrite the Imprinted Program with pure, undistorted data, effectively restoring balance to the Bio-Energy Field.
Identifying and addressing the specific Imprinted Programs affecting the individual is essential. These programs can be assessed using techniques like hand scans or pendulums or by intuitively locating the active patterns shaping the person’s life and beliefs.
Clearing 5:
The etheric body is an energetic outline that surrounds and sustains our physical body, orchestrating every cell and keeping us alive. It holds the unique patterns of our soul and serves as the blueprint of our karma. Composed of four distinct energies—electromagnetic, life-force, sound/light, and photographic—it channels healing light into the physical body. Unlike the aura, which represents an emotional energy field surrounding the physical and etheric bodies, the etheric body is the vital life force that sustains our being.
Mastering the etheric body is essential for deep healing and raising one's vibrational energy. When nurtured with light and positive energy, it promotes healing, but negative thoughts and emotions can weaken this energy and block its flow. Practices like forgiveness, tolerance, and balancing the ego are key to maintaining its strength.
Since the subconscious mind expresses itself through etheric energy, your thoughts directly influence it. By mastering your etheric body, you can guide your body to heal, slow the aging process, and even access higher planes of existence while still living on Earth. This mastery is a crucial step toward collective ascension.
Over time, our etheric body, if not maintained, becomes unstable due to stored toxins, dis-ease, infections, negative emotions, energetic parasites, poisons, and toxins. In this clearing, we will transmute and eliminate these imbalances from the etheric field.
Clearing 6:
Energy Centers are vital for receiving and transforming energy from the source, facilitating the circulation of life force energy throughout the system. To function optimally, they need to remain open, energized, and healthy. Each energy center resembles a vortex or cone, with its tip connecting to the central energy column. Its primary role is to transmit frequencies to the corresponding endocrine gland and support energy flow through the meridians and Nadis.
However, misalignment and distortions from one’s negative mindset and environment can lead to imbalance, stagnation, and the accumulation of dense energies, which can cause the energy of these centers to not work optimally. A spiritual seeker aims to activate and cleanse these centers, ensuring the energetic pathways are clear and the system can maintain a smooth, unobstructed energy flow.
In this clearing, we will be rebalancing and restructuring the lines of light held at energy centers, rebalancing any unhealthy cords, and smoothing out any stagnation.
Clearing 7:
Compactions form as a result of stagnant energy becoming dense due to prolonged inactivity, intense emotions, or avoidance behaviors. These energetic distortions create heaviness in the energy field and often manifest as protective layers.
Compactions specifically arise from suppressed emotions, leading to the buildup of trapped energy that often manifests as excess fat or muscle in certain areas of the body. Compactions develop when individuals avoid confronting their emotions; instead of processing feelings, they suppress and ignore them, causing distorted energy patterns. Although this doesn’t directly lead to illness, it can eventually create life crises.
When emotions are entirely blocked from surfacing, the resulting tension in the body can form shield-like templates of energy. These compactions act as barriers to prevent the individual from experiencing painful emotions. For example, compactions can form over the chest to protect the heart, making it increasingly challenging for the person to connect with their emotions or inner self. This compaction often contributes to tension-related health issues.
Compactions can accumulate through suppressed emotions and feelings. For instance, unresolved toxic emotions, such as resentment toward a family member, might result in extra body fat in areas associated with holding onto that pain. If someone undergoing detox protocols is not losing weight as expected, addressing these emotional blocks in their system may lead to noticeable changes in their body composition.
Clearing 8:
The heart and brain form a complex energy system that ideally operates in unison, creating a cohesive Heart-Mind field. However, many people experience a disconnection between these two centers, with the brain functioning independently from the heart. In such cases, the heart does not supply the necessary energy to establish coherence within the system.
Coherence refers to a state in which the Mind, Body, and Energy systems are aligned and working harmoniously. In this state, energy is conserved and efficiently utilized, enhancing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual performance. Achieving coherence fosters resilience, enabling individuals to handle stress effectively and recover quickly from challenges or trauma.
Coherence is also essential for entering a state of "flow," where life aligns effortlessly and opportunities, people, and circumstances naturally resonate with one's goals. In this state, the system vibrates at the ideal frequency to manifest desired outcomes. Synchronizing the heart and brain into a unified energetic system is key to achieving this flow.
The heart generates the body's most powerful electromagnetic field. It produces a sizeable toroidal energy field that enhances and synchronizes the brain's full functionality when fully activated. The heart's electromagnetic field encodes intentions, which originate from the heart, not the mind. When harmonized with the brain, these intentions are projected outward as energy waves and amplified by the heart's activation level.
Modern society often conditions individuals to prioritize the mind over the heart. Educational systems, media, and technology tend to overstimulate brain activity, often favoring the left hemisphere (associated with logic, analysis, and language) over the right hemisphere (linked to intuition, creativity, and spatial awareness). Fear further disrupts this balance by activating the brain's survival-oriented reptilian complex in the brainstem.
Ideally, the brain should work harmoniously with the heart, creating a holistic energy flow between the two systems. This energy should circulate through the Heart-Mind complex in figure-eight spiral patterns. Key areas of the brain involved in this process include the Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, and Hypothalamus, which collectively regulate the endocrine system and influence hormonal activity, directly impacting how we feel.
Clearing 9:
At birth, transitioning into physical form and experiencing individuality occurs, often in a way that feels traumatic for many souls. The fetus is connected to the placenta via the umbilical cord in the womb. This connection serves as the primary source of essential nutrients—like vitamins, minerals, blood, oxygen, and water—and also as the main channel for energetic sustenance during gestation.
The placenta, often referred to as the "tree of life," holds profound, energetic, and spiritual significance. It is a vital link to the source of creation and supports tremendous spiritual and energetic development. However, the medical community generally regards the placenta as medical waste, and the standard practice is to sever the umbilical cord shortly after birth. This immediate cutting of the cord represents the first energetic experience of separation and abandonment for the newborn.
For the baby, the placenta has been the sole provider of life-giving nourishment and a channel for source intelligence throughout its existence in the womb. The abrupt disconnection from the placenta creates an initial trauma for the soul, often imprinting a sense of separation and abandonment that can persist throughout life.
Restorative practices aim to heal this significant energetic break and reestablish the flow between the soul and the "tree of life," represented by the placenta. This reconnection helps the soul remember its inherent unity with the Tree of Life and the flow of universal source intelligence.
One alternative approach to traditional cord-cutting is the practice of a lotus birth. In this method, the placenta and baby remain connected until the baby naturally releases the placenta, typically within 4 to 10 days. This practice allows for a gentler transition from receiving nourishment through the placenta to breastfeeding. As a result, the incarnating soul experiences significantly less anxiety around separation and abandonment compared to the more conventional approach.
In this clearing process, we will restore and fortify the energetic connection between the womb, fetus, and placenta, aligning them with the 12D tree of life. This involves repairing and enhancing the energetic cord linking the placenta to the newborn in the moments immediately following birth.
Clearing 10:
Each organ contains nine internal chakras, encompassing both masculine and feminine energies. These chakras manage the flow of prana necessary to sustain their individual Bio-Energy Field and the overall Bio-Energy Field of the Human Hologram. They also harmonize the balance of masculine (electric) and feminine (magnetic) energies throughout the electromagnetic toroidal field of the heart and the Human Hologram.
These nine internal chakras are centrally located within each organ, arranged along a vertical energy axis. This axis resembles the Hara line and connects the polarities of North and South and the masculine and feminine electromagnetic energy currents. This energy column runs vertically between the two structures in paired organs like the lungs, bladder, and kidneys.
While each organ has a dominant gender energy (masculine or feminine), it also embodies both aspects. The organ chakras link to energy currents connected to the Merkaba network, which distributes energy throughout the entire Bio-Energy Field and Human Hologram. These nine internal organ chakras also connect to specific layers of the Bio-Energy Field and align with a governing planetary consciousness.
In this clearing, we will activate all nine internal chakras and combine the masculine and feminine, allowing the prana to flow internally to each organ. We will intuitively choose or use a dowsing tool to know which organs need assistance.
The major organs in the human body include:
Brain – The control center of the nervous system. Androgynous Organ
Heart – Pumps blood throughout the body via the circulatory system. Androgynous Organ
Lungs – Facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Feminine Organ
Liver – Processes nutrients, detoxifies substances, and produces bile. Feminine Organ
Kidneys – Filter blood to produce urine and regulate fluid and electrolyte balance. Feminine Organ
Stomach – Breaks down food and initiates digestion. Masculine Organ
Small intestine – Absorbs nutrients from digested food. Masculine Organ
Large intestine (colon) – Absorbs water and forms stool. Masculine Organ
Pancreas – Produces insulin and digestive enzymes. Feminine Organ
Spleen – Filters blood and supports the immune system. Feminine Organ
Gallbladder – Stores and concentrates bile. Masculine Organ
Bladder – Stores urine until excretion. Masculine Organ
Esophagus – Transports food and liquids from the throat to the stomach. Masculine Organ
Reproductive organs:
Male: Testes, prostate gland. Masculine Organ
Female: Ovaries, uterus. Feminine Organ
These organs work together to support essential body functions like circulation, digestion, respiration, and reproduction.
Clearing 11:
The term "hara," rooted in Japanese martial arts, extends far beyond a single anatomical or energetic point in the body. Although often taught as running through the central vertical axis of the body, the hara encompasses much more. Every cell, every organ, and even our consciousness as a whole has its own hara. It acts as a guiding force, a blueprint for intention and purpose, existing as its own dimension, deeper than the bio-energy field. It serves as a key regulator of the holographic template that makes up our being.
The hara is considered both the beginning and the end of the journey toward liberation, as well as the steady foundation throughout. It embodies a state of non-action, guided and supported by intention. A healthy hara can be weakened by factors such as poor posture, inadequate breathing, unhealthy eating habits, lack of purpose, and sedentary living.
When the hara is "split," the energy flowing through the vertical power column becomes disrupted, throwing the entire system out of alignment. This commonly happens when someone experiences conflicting intentions—being pulled in two directions simultaneously. For example, a person may want to leave a job or relationship but also feel compelled to stay due to a sense of obligation or need. This internal conflict splits the hara, creating imbalance and stagnation.
Connecting to the hara can be achieved by visualizing or sensing it as a line of energy running from the Tan Tien (located about two inches below the navel) to the high heart (2–3 inches below the meeting point of the collarbones). This central column of the hara line extends from the highest dimensions of consciousness down to the Earth’s crystalline core. Visualizing this alignment is a powerful exercise for grounding and centering, anchoring one firmly in the physical realm while remaining connected to higher levels of awareness. Through the Hara, ideas, and plans formed in the higher dimensions can manifest in the physical world. Without a strong hara, it becomes difficult to translate intentions into grounded, practical action. For clients who struggle to bring their ideas to life, strengthening the hara through consistent practice can offer transformative results.
In martial arts, the hara is often referred to as the origin point of all movement, power, balance, and stability. When the hara is strong, one gains the ability to remain centered, recognize and avoid emotional reactions, and stay grounded in challenging situations. Rebalancing and strengthening the hara enhances the assimilation and cultivation of chi (or prana), supporting the vital life force and promoting stability, balance, and the ability to manifest intentions effectively.
In this alignment, we will bring the Hara into the complete alignment axis.
Clearing 12:
The spine and spinal column serve as a central hub for energetic, electrical, magnetic, neural, and hormonal interactions in the body. Despite its significance, this intricate and delicate system often goes unnoticed until issues arise, revealing its essential role and vulnerability. The spine acts as a protective channel for the spinal cord and nerves, which extend through the spinous processes to control corresponding muscles and body regions. Any disruption to spinal components, such as the cushioning discs, spinous processes, or nerve pathways, can trigger the body's protective mechanisms, potentially impairing function.
Muscles play a crucial role in maintaining spinal alignment, functioning both actively for movement and passively for support. These muscles work in three planes of motion, counteracting gravity and ground forces to stabilize the body and protect the spine from injury. The entire muscular system operates as a unified whole, ensuring strength, support, and balance for spinal safety.
A strong and healthy spine is vital for overall well-being. Incorporating physical practices like yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, and core-strengthening exercises into a holistic healing approach can significantly benefit clients by enhancing spinal health. Complementing this is the spine’s bio-energy field, which acts as a blueprint for its physical structure and functionality. This energy field contains informational and instructional templates that guide the spine's development and maintenance.
The spine’s energy field comprises eight layers, which mirror the energy layers surrounding the entire body. Each organ, muscle, and even cell has its own energetic intelligence, forming part of a larger energetic system. Disturbances in the spine’s bio-energy field can result in structural or functional issues. The structured layers (1, 3, 5, 7) can suffer tears, while the unstructured layers (2, 4, 6) may accumulate dense energy, such as static waste, causing blockages and dysfunction.
Additionally, inorganic materials like implants or external control mechanisms can disrupt the natural energy flow along the spine, particularly around the atlas, which is critical for neurological and energetic regulation. These distortions can occur anywhere along the spinal column.
Two primary steps are essential to maintaining a healthy, energetic spine: clearing and charging the spine’s energy field and removing inorganic material that impedes the flow of natural energy. The spinal clearing protocol addresses these needs by sweeping the spine to eliminate inorganic obstructions while also rebalancing, clearing, and recharging the layers and levels of the spine’s bio-energy field. This holistic approach supports both physical and energetic harmony in the spinal system.
In this clearing, we will complete our module series by moving all inorganic material, karma, contracts, and leftover misaligned frequencies out and away from the spinal field.